Also, because a parent company and a subsidiary are separate entities, it is entirely possible for one of them to be involved in legal proceedings, bankruptcy, tax delinquency, indictment or under investigation while the other is not. Not only is it possible that they could conceivably be competitors in the marketplace, but such arrangements happen frequently at the end of a hostile takeover or voluntary merger. The most popular IRC chatrooms include IRCnet, EFNet, Chatzona, DALnet and QuakeNet which also have Android support. Just click on the network to find your server details. The parent and the subsidiary do not necessarily have to operate in the same locations or operate the same businesses. Thunderbird also supports a whole bunch of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) services. In other words, a subsidiary can sue and be sued separately from its parent and its obligations will not normally be the obligations of its parent. For this reason, they differ from divisions, which are businesses fully integrated within the main company, and not legally or otherwise distinct from it. It involves the K-9 Mail app and it's excellent news for open-source as well as productivity.

Subsidiaries are separate, distinct legal entities for the purposes of taxation, regulation and liability. Thunderbird has just unveiled what it's planning to do as part of its grand entrance into smartphones.

Seems pretty clear by the usage of the word “subsidiary”