BlenderFDS is a add-on to the Blender software package, which is a free and open source 3D modeling tool. BlenderFDS is a tool that allows for the graphical creation of simple or complex geometry and exports an FDS input file.

BlenderFDS - Emanuele GissiīlenderFDS is an open source, cross-platform graphical user interface for FDS, which has been developed over the past several months by a group of FDS users. See this screencast for example usage of this tool. AspireSDS also provides a unique data converter for importing Xtralis VESDA and ICAM aspirating smoke detection (ASD) layout and performance parameters into FDS. Parameters for the FDS simulation can be specified through several tabbed groups: Simulation Setup, Geometry Setup, Materials and Reaction Setup, Device and Control Setup, Output Setup and Advance Setup. Xtralis AspireSDS provides a Windows based graphical interface for users to set most of the parameters required in FDS modelling, including geometry and environmental conditions, fuel and fire configurations, and various fire detection technologies. ASPIRE Smoke Detection Simulation - Xtralis Key Features: Import 2D/3D CAD and FDS files, MESH management tools, Integrated FDS simulation in Serial, Parallel and Cluster options, HVAC System GUI, Property Libraries, Interactive GUI for Object editing, 3D Modeling Tools, Integrated with Smokeview for Post-processing. PyroSim helps you quickly create and manage the details of complex fire models. PyroSim is a graphical user interface for the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS).

FDS Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) PyroSim - Thunderhead Engineering The descriptions below were submitted by the third party providers. Any mention of computer hardware, software or services here does not constitute endorsement by NIST, nor does it indicate that the products are necessarily those best suited for the intended purpose. Anyone who has a tool or training opportunity that can be of benefit to users of FDS is welcome to submit information and links to the webmaster for inclusion in this list. The links and information below are provided as a convenience to the user community.